Raw is, very simply, bad television.
How can I write a good review of the show when it all boils down to that? I don't want to depress my readers, but I will if I maintain my current course. The reviews have gotten shorter and angrier, a bleak reflection of the show itself. There isn't a single wrestler who really excites me. Not even Heel Cena is all that interesting. I can't believe WWE didn't explore the fact that Michael Cole called Cena a prick last week. Watching Cena beat the shit out of Cole would have been visceral and unsettling. Cody could have made the save and Cena would have further cemented himself as a heel. I liked that he said he was going to "ruin wrestling" for everybody, but I don't think he explored that concept enough.
I'm disappointed with Paul Levesque's booking. His main roster has none of the excitement and purpose that his NXT roster had in 2014/2015. A lot of wrestlers are missing in action, and those who are staples of the show feel adrift, aimless.
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